Coping with a Beloved’s Compulsive Gambling
February 12In the USA there are a vast number of compulsive gamblers. Compulsive gambling affects not only men but also women and teenagers and they come from all walks and strata of life without any bias of race or religion or social status. Those who are pathological gamblers are affected by a mental or psychological disorder as ratified by the American Psychiatric Association. And this type of gambling is affecting both the sexes. This article provides some fundamental procedures which you can do if you are in the process of handling the problem of compulsive gambling of a beloved and these procedures will help the affected person as well as you in coping with the problem.
What you require:
- Documentary evidence of the compulsive gambling.
- An internet connection on your computer.
- A detailed logging of the behavior of the gambler.
1. First educate yourself as to the difference between social gambling and addiction to gambling. Once you have sufficient and correct knowledge then you can safely proceed to help your beloved get rid of the addiction. Numerous sites on the Internet provide useful information in this regard. You should minutely study these sites to access the kind of addiction affecting your beloved. Such sites give you ample information which can prove very helpful for you to cope up with the compulsive gambling habits of your beloved.
2. Keep a careful watch on the individual and log all the intricate signs of his behavior. Answer down questions like: Are the family’s savings diminishing? Is there less money to pay off bills? Is your beloved always requesting more money? Does your beloved stay away from home many times? Is your beloved affected by depression or anxiety? Has your beloved taken to drinking frequently or drug abuse?
3. Open a single name bank account accessible by you alone from where all bills are paid. The beloved should not know about this account for your financial security. Because then the beloved might throw tantrums which will emotionally upset you.
4. In an adult and conversationally manner inform your beloved that you acknowledge that it is a problem faced by him/her and it can be cured by following stringent procedures. There should not be any argument or accusations while discussing or informing this. Inform your beloved that you are willing to help and also make whatever sacrifices are required to cure your beloved?s addiction, even visiting a professional counselor.